Other Crash Tests
From Rollover to Fire Protection
In order to keep on acquiring new findings and to bring safety to the next level, the DEKRA Crash Test Center in Neumünster additionally offers numerous other crash tests. For instance, our test portfolio includes rollover tests for vehicle classes such as cars, vans, and buses, as well as test scenarios for the topics of fire protection and motorcycles.
- Rollover: the ne plus ultra on a rollercoaster, a horror scenario in road traffic: the rollover. The number of rollover accidents has dropped thanks to ESP but rollovers cannot be avoided all together. Therefore, rollover crash tests continue to be important tests for the development of road safety.
- Buses: The bus is the safest form of road transport that exists. Despite the fact that crash tests with buses are not required for homologation. Despite very few statutory regulations many bus manufacturers subject their vehicles to a range of extensive tests on a voluntary basis at our DEKRA Crash Test Center.
- Two-wheelers: The safety of motorcycle drivers is influenced by many factors. Besides the two-wheeler itself, the protective clothing worn and the other party involved in the accident play a crucial role. Therefore, at the DEKRA Crash Test Center, besides the two-wheeler, the protective clothing and roadside safety barriers (guard rails, sliding walls, post cover, etc.) are also tested, on the basis of the globally valid standard ISO 13232. Furthermore, we also carry out test scenarios with bicycles, pedelecs and new mobility concepts, such as Segways.
- Fire protection: In addition to crash safety, fire protection plays a significant role when it comes to buses. Tests are carried out for this together with accident research. The flammability of individual components is put to the test as much as fire spread, the formation of smoke and evacuation possibilities.
In the following table, you will find an overview of some of the crash tests with two-wheelers as well as rollover scenarios with cars, trucks, and buses that can be carried out at the Crash Test Center Neumünster. We will be happy to put together an individual offer for you.
Moving-moving motorcycle impact (ISO 13232)
Test Description
Two moving vehicles, variable impact angle and collision speeds
Moving-stationary motorcycle impact (ISO 13232)
One moving and one stationary vehicle, variable impact angle and collision speed
Motorcycle impact against a guard rail
Upright and sliding impact possible, variable impact angle and collision speed
Motorcycle impact tailored according to customer demand
Any technically feasible type of test is possible
Static rollover as per FMVSS 301
Rollover, rotation around x axis, vehicle is fixed to a rollover test bench and rolled twice, aim: to determine tank tightness
Rollover as per FMVSS 208
Rollover, rotation around x axis, vehicle on sleds, launch angle 23°, launch speed 48 km/h
Slope rollover
Rollover, rotation around x and y axis, driving maneuver into a sloping embankment, speed tailored to customer demand
Screw rollover
Rollover, rotation around x and y axis, driving maneuver, speed tailored to customer demand
Screw rollover with trucks or buses
Rollover, rotation around x and y axis, driving maneuver, speed tailored to customer demand
Sand bed rollover
Rollover, rotation around x axis, vehicle on sleds, launch angle 0°, launch into a sand bed, speed tailored to customer demand
Dynamic sand bed rollover
Rollover, rotation around x and y axis, driving maneuver with subsequent rollover into a sand bed, speed tailored to customer demand