Ergonomic Risk Assessment

Workplace assessment to promote a healthy, productive workforce

Ergonomics aims to optimize workplace processes, tools, systems and set-ups so that employees can work efficiently and experience less stress and fewer injuries, including Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). An objective ergonomic assessment of your employees’ work environment can help support their health and productivity.

Recognizing the importance of a well-designed workplace, our experts provide ergonomic risk assessments supported by digital technologies for greater flexibility and precision. With the DEKRA Safety Platform (DSP), we are able to conduct remote, global ergonomic assessments to evaluate where and how employees work, both on company premises and in home offices.
Whether assessments take place in-person or virtually, the data collected can be analyzed and visualized on the DSP according to client specifications. Decision makers can then view trends, formulate an action plan and allocate resources wisely.

Your Benefits

  • Well-designed work spaces for a safer, more productive workforce
  • Detailed, easily accessible data for informed decision-making
  • A flexible, customizable process that can be delivered remotely and globally at your convenience
  • Increased morale as employees feel their needs are met
  • Cost savings through reduced absenteeism, illness and injury

Our Approach

Conducted by credentialed consultants with extensive experience, our ergonomic risk assessment services help companies protect their staff and comply with relevant health and safety regulations and standards.

Expert advice with a digital component

Ergonomic risk assessment to evaluate and monitor the current state of your employees’ work space can be conducted on-site or remotely using our DEKRA Safety Platform (DSP). We provide tailored, data-driven recommendations in a wide range of areas relevant to ergonomics and guide you throughout your ergonomic journey, from initial inspections and assessments to goal setting, action planning and beyond.
Our ergonomic risk assessment consultants:
  • Review data and any previous ergonomic evaluations
  • Determine the method of assessment (in-person, remote, hybrid)
  • Get an understanding of the current state of your company
  • Discuss ergonomic aspects of the individual workplaces during a visit or a video call
  • With support from the DSP, analyze the data collected and identify risks
  • Help you develop and implement an effective plan based on solid solutions
Our experts have supported numerous customers in diverse industries, conducting on-site and remote ergonomic assessments around the globe. In addition to using our DEKRA Safety Platform for assessment, analysis, reporting and forming recommendations, we can customize the tool to be fully compliant with applicable GDPR requirements and allow both clients and consultants to view availability and prepare schedules. DEKRA’s comprehensive ergonomic risk assessment services include occupational health consultation as well as workshops and seminars suitable to the needs of both your company and your employees.

DEKRA Safety Platform

A cloud-based mobile and web application, the DEKRA Safety Platform is an accessible easy-to-use tool that supports ergonomic assessments and measures in the interest of workplace safety. This innovative digital option allows you to:
  • Collect, analyze and access real-time operational data around the world in order to identify risk and make sound investment decisions.
  • Enable smarter communication with a global reach, so that employees working in diverse locations and circumstances can contribute and benefit.
  • Create integrated safety networks throughout your company to enhance and monitor your ergonomic efforts.
Customizable and user friendly, our DEKRA Safety Platform tool for ergonomic assessment allows you to improve employee well-being and efficiency at the same time.


  • We are a team of ergonomics experts working globally to provide sound and beneficial ergonomic assessments and advice.
  • We have substantial experience partnering with companies of all sizes and sectors to optimize ergonomic factors.
  • We specialize in designing and applying digital solutions to meet our clients’ needs