Cybersecurity Testing & Certification

Cybersecurity Evaluations and Certifications for a Safe, Secure and Reliable Future

Keeping people safe when they use technology is one of the key challenges, now and in the future. In today’s economy, almost everything is connected to the internet or to local networks. Securing devices, equipment, vehicles, machines and installations is vital in order to safeguard consumers and critical infrastructures alike. That is the reason why cybersecurity has become an essential part of both safety testing and connectivity testing.

DEKRA’s Cybersecurity division offers customers thorough cybersecurity evaluations and certification of products, processes and systems for many different markets, including IoT consumer, ICT and automotive. Our services cover the whole product life cycle, from design to maintenance and deployment:
  • Risk Analysis, Security Requirements Definition, Functional Testing and Threat Modelling
  • Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing before and after product launch
  • Certification against widely accepted cybersecurity standards and private schemes
  • Cybersecurity surveillance and maintenance during the entire product life cycle
Cybersecurity Package
DEKRA's cybersecurity suite helps our customers to address a wide range of specific cyber security issues and challenges.
We offer solutions for customers to test, evaluate and certify their devices against widely recognized standards such as Common Criteria (ISO 15408), FIPS 140-3 (ISO 19790), eIDAS regulation, LINCE, GSMA - NESAS 3GPP, as well as traditional cyber security services such as vulnerability assessment and penetration testing conducted by qualified engineers.
Additionally, DEKRA has obtained accreditations for private certification schemes such as CTIA, Amazon AVS, GSMA, or ioXt alliance, among others.
In addition to this, our experts already offer evaluations according to upcoming standards such as ETSI EN 303 645 which will be key within the Cybersecurity Act for consumer IoT devices within the European Union and additional countries that will adhere to it (Singapore, Australia).
    The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC) is an international standard (ISO 15408) for cyber security certification. Certification according to the Common Criteria provides assurance that the implementation, specification and evaluation of an IoT product or system has been conducted in a sound and repeatable manner.
    The CC standard defines seven evaluation assurance levels (EAL) which provide a sliding scale of assurance from EAL1 (lowest) to EAL7 (highest). At DEKRA, we can test and evaluate your products and systems in line with the CC.
    Why DEKRA?